MobiSpaces, New Data Spaces for Green Mobility

Mobility in the urban and maritime domains hugely impacts the global economy, generating data at high rates from an increasing number of moving objects. Management of the complete lifecycle of such data implies that trustworthy and privacy-preserving infrastructures need to be put in place, so that reliable and secure data operations can be provided. Meanwhile, the mobility data exploitation still has a wide potential due to the emerging applications and the environmental footprint caused by mobility. 

From September 2022 to August 2025, the brand new Horizon Europe project MobiSpaces will be developing effective data governance solutions to exploit the huge data volumes produced in secure and trustworthy digital infrastructures to enable data sharing, reuse and interoperability using standardised protocols across different organisations and stakeholders.

The MobiSpaces Consortium 

Led by GFT in Italy, the 24 complementary partners of the MobiSpaces consortium include technology providers, research performing organisations, mobility data providers and industry. Project Manager Matteo Falsetta (GFT coordination) says:

"Significant volumes of data are meaningless without efficient data governance. Mobispaces, co-funded by the EU with 9 million euro and the joint effort of 25 partners, will leverage data sharing and interoperability to enable a compliant, secure and trustworthy solution that optimises the complete Data Path, minimising its environmental footprint."


Five maritime and urban mobility use cases

Five mobility use cases from the urban and maritime domains will show the impact of the MobiSpaces platform on real life scenarios: 


While all the research outcomes will be validated and monitored through five use cases, MobiSpaces will create a widely accepted standard of data processing and analytics, alongside a data-rich ecosystem providing trustworthy and actionable data that is vital for the growth of the EU digital economy.


Join the MobiSpaces Community!

The project is envisioned to work in close collaboration with other actors in the green mobility and European data spaces ecosystem. The kick-off meeting of MobiSpaces will take place in Athens on 20-21 September, setting forth a first list of actions for the consortium towards the requirements gathering activities to be carried out with the Use Case communities. 

Further details and updates about the evolution of MobiSpaces - including the upcoming open consultations - will be disseminated through the official website, as well as via the project Twitter and LinkedIn channels and a regular newsletter.



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